Discover & Protect Every Cyber Asset

Leveraging API feeds from your existing tools, validate your controls are correctly deployed and functioning across every cyber asset.

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Trusted by Leading Organisations

Our clients come from all industries — from legal to finance, charities to retail. We are trusted by leading organisations to discover and protect their valuable cyber assets.


Agentless By Design

Connects to all your existing tools

ThreatAware continually polls your existing tools to detect every device and ensures all fundamental security controls are deployed, functioning and healthy.

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Agentless Design.
Create a highly accurate device inventory by connecting to your existing systems via API.
Automated Defence.
When issues arise the workflow automation engine can trigger actions via a webhook.
Powerful Simplicity.
ThreatAware provides clarity of the security control health of your cyber assets in a clear and simple design.
Security Control Health.
Gain a macro view of your security control health regardless of how many controls you are monitoring.
Dynamic Tagging.
Generated from any field from a device. Allows you to quickly group your cyber assets for monitoring and configuration purposes.
Stop alert fatigue.
When your monitoring systems accurately depicts your live environment, every alert is real.
Sainsburys Video Thumbnail

We have over 50,000 devices made up of desktops, laptops, servers and virtual machines. The biggest win from using ThreatAware is actually having confidence in all the assets we have and what security we have on them.

Douglas Weekes
Sainsbury's logo

Work faster

A better way

In the era of cloud software and remote working, ThreatAware is the only way to make sure every endpoint in your organisation is legitimate and protected. Our comprehensive, fully-automated asset inventory uncovers every device accessing company data.

Instantly see the real number of devices that are accessing corporate data and require security controls.
Security Controls can break or crash like any other piece of software, find out when this happens immediately.
A security control is only as good as its config, have confidence that they are all working as you designed.
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“My experience with ThreatAware has been fantastic. The platform has become an invaluable tool, enabling my security team to identify missing agents and to pinpoint fundamental gaps in our security estate that were previously impossible to find.

I wish we had implemented this solution earlier.

Graeme Lowe
Head of Information Security, Dreams


We plug into your existing tools

We integrate via API to best-of-breed security and IT tools to construct an in-depth view of your cybersecurity posture.

Explore our integrations →

Frequently asked questions

Why ThreatAware?
Organisations can prevent 98% of threats through the use of fundamental controls when they are fully functional company-wide. For organisations without an agentless holistic view of their cyber security, it is a certainty that large numbers of workstations accessing their corporate data and services will be inadequately protected.
How does it work?
It ingests all of the devices and users from a company's existing tools then correlates and aligns them to provide a clear picture your entire IT estate. ThreatAware then delves deeper into each integration and analyses it for any faults with each control and alerts accordingly. It is an entirely agentless solution with no hardware or software to install. Simply connect to your existing tools and cloud systems via API.
Who is it for?
ThreatAware is for organisations that wish to guarantee their breach protection systems are fully deployed and functioning. For organisations that desire to be highly proficient in managing their cyber security, and wish to demonstrate to stakeholders, clients or suppliers the organisation's protection status.
How is it deployed?
ThreatAware is entirely cloud-based, there is no need for any hardware or software to be installed. Enter API keys and watch the dashboard populate in a matter of minutes. It is totally vendor agnostic allowing you to integrate with best of breed tools.

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