Limit your exposure

Continuous Controls Monitoring

ThreatAware supports organisations to efficiently monitor the status of their controls, a requirement of many industry standards such as Cyber Essentials and ISO 27001. ThreatAware automates the discovery of assets and the validation of control status for the most critical controls, such as antivirus protection, patching, device encryption, web proxy and MFA. By automatically monitoring and auditing these controls every 30 minutes, your organisation can maintain compliance and stay secure.

Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management

Explore how ThreatAware can highlight gaps in your attack surface and help you reduce them.

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Cyber Risk Reporting

Learn how ThreatAware can support you in generating accurate, user-friendly cyber risk reports to help drive change and mitigate risks.

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Vulnerability Management

Learn how ThreatAware can help you to improve vulnerability management in a distributed ecosystem.

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Asset Management

Explore how ThreatAware’s API discovery, time-matching and dynamic configuration can support next-level asset management for your organisation.

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Lifecycle Management

Discover how ThreatAware can support you with efficient lifecycle management for every asset.

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